About – &TV

And TV (&TV) is a Hindi language entertainment channel owned by Zee Entertainment Enterprises. Launched as a general entertainment channel from ZEEL group, it started broadcasting on 2 March 2015.


&TV introduced a campaign on Gender Equality on the occasion of International Women’s Day


To celebrate International Women’s Day and create a campaign that could spread awareness about gender equality. To educate audience about how women are matching up shoulder to shoulder with men to own and run a family and also how they are contributing in the overall growth of the society.

In turn the brand also desired to grow by leaps and bounces in the Eikona coverage ranking and intended to spread correct messaging across the country with maximum outreach to the audience.


  • Reaching out to media 1 month before the women’s day and convincing them to carry the story in that particular week
  • To map and reach out to all women supplements in all mainlines and regional’s across markets
  • To convince media to cover the content given as is
  • Continuous follow-ups
  • Keep a track of competitors and their coverage on the occasion

PR Strategy:

PR Tool used: Quotes & Artist Profiling

  • Similar questions were asked to different artists who work for different shows on the channel
  • There transcripts of their responses were shared with the media
  • Quotes from various artists of the channel were shared on the occasion of International Women’s Day
  • The Quotes were also shared with media
  • Extensive Eikona and Cat A newspapers and supplements pitching for One month.


The campaign was well received by the media and consecutively for Two Months – May & June &TV was ranking Number 1 in Eikona.

  • The total Outcome of the campaign was 93 print plus 30 online coverage
  • 60 + Eikona coverage
  • All top papers including Dainik Bhaskar, Dainik Jagran, Naidunia, Raj Express, Patrika, etc. covered the campaign
  • 50-60% of women supplements covered the initiative overall
  • The campaign was covered with multiple large format stories or multiple column stories by CAT-A papers