Advertising Equivalency Value (AEV)

The estimated value of earned media coverage is calculated by comparing the space or time of a news story to the cost of purchasing the equivalent amount of advertising.

Audience Segmentation

The process of dividing a target audience into distinct subgroups based on demographic, geographic, psychographic, or behavioral characteristics.


The extent to which a target audience recognizes and is familiar with a brand, product, or organization.



A hyperlink from one website to another. Backlinks are important for search engine optimization (SEO) and can enhance a website’s visibility and credibility.


A regularly updated website or web page, typically run by an individual or a small group, that contains informal articles or posts on a specific topic.


The process of creating a unique identity, image, and perception for a product, company, or organization.

Broadcast Media

Media platforms that distribute content through television or radio channels.


Crisis Communication

The strategic process of managing communication during a crisis or emergency situation protects an organization’s reputation and maintains public trust.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

A business approach that involves integrating social and environmental concerns into a company’s operations and decision-making processes.

Crisis Management

The organizational function is responsible for identifying potential crises, developing plans to mitigate risks, and implementing strategies to handle emergencies effectively.

CTA (Call to Action)

A directive or prompt designed to encourage a specific action or response from the target audience, such as clicking a link, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter.


Digital PR

The practice of using digital platforms and online channels to enhance public relations efforts, including social media, influencer marketing, and online reputation management.

Earned Media

Media coverage or exposure that is gained through public relations efforts rather than paid advertising. It includes news articles, mentions, features, and interviews.

Editorial Calendar

A schedule or plan that outlines the topics, themes, and publishing dates for upcoming content, such as blog posts, articles, or press releases.


A request or agreement between a source and a journalist to withhold the release of information until a specified date or time.


Feature Story

An in-depth article or news story that goes beyond the basic facts to provide background information, analysis, and human interest elements.


A person who subscribes to or follows a social media account or blog receives updates and content from the account or blog on their feed.


The process of predicting future trends, developments, or outcomes based on current data, research, and analysis.

Front-End PR

The public-facing side of public relations involves activities such as media relations, content creation, and community engagement.



The number of times an advertisement or piece of content is displayed or viewed by users, regardless of whether they interact with it.


A person with a significant online following and the ability to impact the opinions, behaviors, and purchasing decisions of their audience.

Internal Communication

The exchange of information and messages within an organization involves communication between employees, departments, and management.


An internal network or website that is accessible only to employees within an organization. It is used to share information, resources, and company updates.

Issue Management

The strategic process of identifying, analyzing, and addressing potential issues or challenges that may impact an organization’s reputation, operations, or stakeholders.


Media Kit

A collection of promotional materials and resources provided to journalists, reporters, or media outlets to assist in their coverage of a company, product, or event. It typically includes press releases, images, background information, and contact details.

Media Monitoring

The process of systematically tracking and analyzing media coverage to monitor the mentions, sentiment, and perception of a brand, company, or individual.

Media Pitch

A persuasive and targeted communication sent to journalists or media outlets to propose a story idea, angle, or interview opportunity related to a specific topic or event.

Media Relations

The practice of building and maintaining relationships with journalists, reporters, and media professionals to secure media coverage, facilitate interviews, and manage media inquiries.



A regularly distributed publication that provides updates, news, and information to a specific audience, such as employees, customers, or subscribers. Newsletters can be distributed electronically or in print format.


The practice of capitalizing on current news or trending topics to generate media coverage or increase brand visibility by offering expert opinions, insights, or commentary.


Press Release

A written communication or announcement issued to the media to provide information about a company, product launch, event, or other newsworthy developments.

Public Relations (PR)

The strategic communication practice that aims to build and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and its various stakeholders, including the media, customers, employees, investors, and the general public.


The act of generating media coverage or public attention for a product, brand, organization, or individual through strategic communication efforts.

Pulse Survey

A short and frequent survey is conducted within an organization to gauge employee satisfaction, engagement, or feedback on specific issues or initiatives.



An individual, group, or organization that has a vested interest or concern in the activities, performance, or outcomes of a company or organization. Stakeholders can include employees, customers, investors, government agencies, communities, and more.

Social Media Listening

The process of monitoring and analyzing social media platforms to understand and assess the sentiment, opinions, and conversations surrounding a brand, industry, or specific topics.


An individual designated to represent and speak on behalf of a company, organization, or brand in media interviews, public appearances, and other communication channels.


The art of conveying a message, information, or brand narrative through engaging and compelling storytelling techniques to captivate and resonate with the audience.


Thought Leadership

A strategic positioning strategy establishes an individual or organization as an authority, expert, or innovator in a particular field or industry through the sharing of valuable insights, knowledge, and perspectives.


The practice of openly sharing information, processes, decisions, and intentions fosters trust, credibility, and accountability with stakeholders. Transparent communication helps build positive relationships and maintain a favorable reputation.

Trend Analysis

The examination of data, patterns, and behaviors over time to identify and understand emerging trends or changes in the market, industry, or public sentiment. Trend analysis helps organizations make informed decisions and adapt their strategies accordingly.

Trust Building

The process of establishing and nurturing trust with stakeholders through consistent and honest communication, reliable actions, and ethical behavior. Trust building is essential for maintaining positive relationships and reputation.


Viral Marketing

A marketing technique that relies on the rapid sharing and spread of content through social media platforms and online communities. Viral marketing aims to generate buzz, increase brand awareness, and reach a large audience.



A web-based seminar or presentation conducted over the internet that allows participants to attend remotely and interact through chat, polls, and Q&A sessions. Webinars are commonly used for educational, training, or promotional purposes.

Word of Mouth

The spread of information, recommendations, or opinions about a product, brand, or organization through informal conversations and personal networks. Positive word of mouth can significantly impact reputation and brand perception.

Writing Style Guide

A set of guidelines and standards that define the preferred writing style, grammar rules, formatting, and terminology used in written communication materials within an organization. Style guides ensure consistency and clarity in messaging.

This glossary provides a comprehensive overview of key public relations terms. It is essential to stay updated with the evolving field of public relations and adapt the definitions to the specific context and industry.