Indore, February, 2021: With the changing times, there has been significant change and growth in the thought process of people and our society. People have grown and there mindsets have not only become modern but modest as well and this perception change has worked in favor for all. The revolutionary changes that have impacted the society in a good way have not only broadened the mindset but have also given a scope of discussion for many problems that remained secret in the past. From molding the myths and discrimination between men and women to walking shoulder to shoulder there is barely anything that a man can do and women can’t.  Not restricting to only this but at multiple places and professions women have outnumbered men and with full potential.

However there are still some hurdles that a woman has to face and differently than men, Yes! We are referring to the most painful days of the month that a woman has to face of the menstruation cycle. The pain, the discomfort, the agitation, the awful feeling of disgust is incomparable and is not understood by most men and the system we exist in. In the midst of this PR24x7 one of the leading PR agencies of North India has taken an initiative to understand and realize the problems faced by women and has also become one of the first companies to take a step for them.

Mr. Atul Malikaram, Founder, PR 24×7 explained in a statement; “that there are change in hormones during menstruation, due to which a woman faces many problems like early fatigue, pain etc. In order to remedy this, our elders advised complete rest for women during that period. Everything including food was hand served to them relief during those days of the month. But in today’s day and age, with the demand of meeting the needs of the hour the rest has taken a back seat and women are working equally with equivalent caliber of men even in their menstrual days. The original traditions made by the ancestors have gone for a toss. However, to revive the tradition and comforting female employees at work PR 24×7 has taken a step and initiated Work from Home practice on the first day of their menstruation cycle.”

There are only a few companies in India, which have taken the problems faced by their women employees seriously and one of such companies in Madhya Pradesh so far which has taken up such an initiative is PR 24×7 and have treated it at utmost priority. Mr. Atul Malikram was the National coordinator for ‘Goli Ke Hamjoli’ campaign, which dealt with promoting contraceptive pills and reproductive health and hence his understanding towards women health, their issues and problems is very co-relatable.  PR 24×7 salutes its women employees and their contribution towards the welfare of the company and hence keeping their interest at top-most priority is the overall company’s objective.